Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Entry 3

Hi diary! I fink I hav told yous enuff abouts me. Now I has to tells you sumthing impordint.

CHELSEY IS NOT WHO YOUS FINK!!! She isnt a chiwawa!!! Shes a volpeno italiono!!! Who is apperentlys very raer!!! . . . . . What does raer means???

Enyways, she is a raer black volpeno italiono withs a hayrcut. Eezabell, who is grannimawses grannidawder, said theres is only 50 of dems in the wurld. Thats a lots!!! I did not kno there is 50 Chelseys in the wurld. I wunders if theres is 50 mes??? . . .

- Wheezy 

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