Sunday, June 19, 2011

Entry 1

Hi diary! My name is Wheezy. I'm supoused to tell you all abouts me now right? Dis is a diary isn't it?

So, I am a dog, I likes squiky toys, and all zat other stuff, blahs blahs blahs. I am also a abusd dog. I mean, I used to bes. My new grannimaws got me from a shelter. Yeah yeah, por liddle puppi and all zat. The point is, I is happy now!!!!! But sumtimes I see a fly hitter and I say OH NO!!! and then I fink oh yeah, I wivs wid my grannimaws now!!!!! My grannimaws wud never hert me!

Speating of my grannimaws, she is makeings dinner now. Biy biy diarys!

- Wheezy

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