Friday, June 24, 2011

Entry 5

Hi diary! I still havent found out yet if there is 50 mes. But there probubly is. It is kind of hard to finds out sinse I dont kno how to use a computer. Eezabell said that any dog that looks lik a heghog is probubly raer. That made mes mad. I look nuffing like a heghog!!!

So enyways, I was eetings the new bulony today, when Chelsey just cames up to my grannimaws and stoled sum! Lik she is all speshul! Lik beeng raer is speshul or sumthing. I dont thinks it is very speshul if there is 50 of yous!

- Wheezy

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Entry 4

Hi diary! I is sad. Eezabell had to go back homes today. Shes is a very nice humin. She playd withs me and Chelseys.

Enyways, I is also very happy!!! My grannimaws got a new packidge of buloney!!! I LUV BULONEY!!! Yums!

Enyways enyways, Chelsey is very ecsited because shes is a raer dog. She finks shes all speshul or sumthing. Just because shes is raer doesnt means she is speshul!!! . . . . . What does raer means???

- Wheezy

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Entry 3

Hi diary! I fink I hav told yous enuff abouts me. Now I has to tells you sumthing impordint.

CHELSEY IS NOT WHO YOUS FINK!!! She isnt a chiwawa!!! Shes a volpeno italiono!!! Who is apperentlys very raer!!! . . . . . What does raer means???

Enyways, she is a raer black volpeno italiono withs a hayrcut. Eezabell, who is grannimawses grannidawder, said theres is only 50 of dems in the wurld. Thats a lots!!! I did not kno there is 50 Chelseys in the wurld. I wunders if theres is 50 mes??? . . .

- Wheezy 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Entry 2

Hi diary! Its me. Today I have to tel you more about mes! Wud it help if I makes a list? You cant tawk so I will enyways.
  1. I has a very nice sister who is very crazy but sumtimes nice. Her names is Chelsey. She is also a brat.
  2. I no like it when humins fink they own us. We are famlys!
  3. I also no like it when humins fink I is a heghog. I look nuffing lik a heghog!

    4.   I will never eat dog fud agen! It tates lik dried up vegetabls! Yuk!
    5.   I LUV BULONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zat is it.

- Wheezy

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Entry 1

Hi diary! My name is Wheezy. I'm supoused to tell you all abouts me now right? Dis is a diary isn't it?

So, I am a dog, I likes squiky toys, and all zat other stuff, blahs blahs blahs. I am also a abusd dog. I mean, I used to bes. My new grannimaws got me from a shelter. Yeah yeah, por liddle puppi and all zat. The point is, I is happy now!!!!! But sumtimes I see a fly hitter and I say OH NO!!! and then I fink oh yeah, I wivs wid my grannimaws now!!!!! My grannimaws wud never hert me!

Speating of my grannimaws, she is makeings dinner now. Biy biy diarys!

- Wheezy